Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rant From Mommy

I had to deny a few comments on the blog the past few posts. People were being very rude about the contest. 

We always don't get questions or comments from the blog, because blogger is at best, a moody site.
My email is on multiple pages on here. They get binged right to my phone. I do however sometimes just click them to get the notification off my phone but come back later when I have time. 
Not to be a major complainer but I work long hours in a high stress job. In my free time I choose to sleep, spend time with family, or spend time with Mason. 
Mason is my NUMBER ONE priority. His exercise needs require 2-3 runs a day. So please stop sending me complaints we don't blog enough. I choose when and how I spend my free time. 
I find it awesome you all would like to read about Mason and his antics more often but please respect that both of us have a life off of the computer.

As to the contest, I apologize on not getting the results up quickly. They WILL be done and posted on or by the 5th of December.

Thanks to all our very pawsome furends :)



  1. We totaly agree with you, your blog is about you and Mason, when and if you choose. Its to bad peeps have to be rude. We do love reading about you guys life together, so blow them rudies off.

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Officer Bites

  2. Omd, what is up with silly humans? Pft! Just ignore those dumb dumbs! This is your space and life do whatever you want :-) I hope you and Mason have a great week!

  3. Sorry some peeps are being rude. We will continue to visit.

  4. That makes LOTS of sense! My momma and I agree completely!
    Have fun sorting,

  5. We Beaglebratz also totally agree with u - mom duz tue. We haz napz tue take an'when mom iz home our job iz tue keep the house an'yard free of kritterz plus we HAZTA eat sumtime - az often az possible. Our mom werkz all day an'when she iz here then she haz us Beaglebratz tue tend tue. B-sidez, all of us at Team Beaglebratz due our blog cuz we WANT tue BUTT only when we want an'if OUR time allowz fur it. Yes, at timez we wish we cood blog more butt we due what we can. So we totally support this.
    Shiloh-man'n The Diva Shasta

    A word from the mom - now if someone wants to pay me the same amount and benefits that I have now and I need then we will talk me blogging more but until that happens - more blogging ain't gonna happen. Ok - so maybe I could have left this part off but that is pretty much the way it is. I do enjoy reading your blog whenever you do get the chance.

  6. OMD! Somebody complained???? Whats???? I'm with Susie and Sidebites (hum, sorry, OFFICER BITES!) and say BLOW THEM OFF!! Who cares! Tell me who they are, and I will go poopie in their shoes....BIG Airedale poops!! (really, today I swear I musta pooped a whole pound! heehee)


  7. Me thinks peoples is rude. Cats and dogs would never worry.
    We loves yous guys and thanks for speaking your mind!

  8. Ah, we can read your blog again. Thanks for changing the font or whatever you did.

    Things are hectic for a lot of bloggers and we had to stop trying to post daily. We each have to find our own posting rhythm.

  9. We hates to hear that. Here's hoping you and Mason have a totally pawsome Monday! XOXO

  10. I have to tell you that I would (and my MOM too) rather be aout with each other than doing computer stuff. You just keep doing all this blogging stuff as YOU want! And know that we support you 1000%.

  11. I hope the stress doesn't get to you.. blogging should be fun! I love reading your posts and the new font is really cute btw :)

  12. Well said. Blogging should be fun not a tiresome obligation. Deccy x

  13. Sorry to read that some peeps are rude. How mean. Have a marvelous Monday and take care. No worries re contest.
    Best wishes Molly

  14. Oh girl, I think all of us heres has had rude comments at some point. I has learned to just ignore it...though it took awhile to be ables to ignore it.
    We loves Mason and da blog. Mason should always be your priority.


  15. Why does some peeps feels da need to ee rude , wee neva undystands dat, Blogville is a nice furiendy place n wee wants to keeps it dat way fank yoo veri muchly. Wee does not blog veri regully ats da moments cos our Momster is nots too wells again butts wee does reads all our furiends bloggy's even ifs wee don't comments wee woods bee veri upsets ifs wee gotted rude comments. Wee so undystands y'all has a lifes outsides Blogville in da reel worlds so yoo jus ignores dems stoopid comments bi silly peeps cos wee finks dis bloggy rocks

    Da K Krew

  16. We are really sorry that you had to even post this. Sometimes it is hard to get to the blog cos life gets in the way.
    stella rose

  17. Zeesh, some people hu? Sleep is a fav around here too BOL!! Play bows,


  18. Yep sounds like over at my blog. I get those nasty comments also. I say if you cannot say anything nice then don't say anything a all. I had a contest, gave away three tote sacks fill of things and some people still gripped about it. I was giving good things each sack had over $30 of things.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  19. I'm so sorry to hear people are hassling you. It's your blog and it's totally up to you how much and how often you post.

    I think the contest is pawesome, and look forward to seeing everyone's entries:-)

  20. Excellent rant! Well-deserved to the meanies who were ragging on you. Stick to your guns!

  21. Ug oh . . . had some grumps?? People need to take a lesson from us pups and relax!! First priority at our house is fetching. Well, maybe treats, then fetching for sure. Everything else has to wait! No worries!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Me sorry. Me hopes u and Mason can has some tasty noms. Dat make u tummy smile. :)

  23. Howdy Mason, your mum is right. Family comes first. We don't know why peeps bother to comment if it's only bad stuffs. Take care everybuddy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  24. Can't really believe people have complained about you not blogging. I took a bit of a blogging break recently and no one said anything. Either they don't miss me as much, or they simply know how rude that is to do! I could see maybe stopping by after a long blogging break and leaving a comment asking if you plan on blogging any more, but I'd be thinking a few months of a blogging break, not a few days or a week.

  25. Some people can be so rude! Best to ignore them. :)


Thanks for commenting! Please be respectful, I do not like to bite!