Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What We Are Doing To Help

Since we live in a pretty much landlocked state the Mommy has started a fundrasier for those pets of all breeds, species, colors and sexual orientation displaced by Hurricane Sandy.

Lets help them get the care they need until their parents come back or find their new furever homes!

Please see our side to find the donate button: -------------------->>>>>>>>
~Stinky Kisses, Mason

PEEESSS: Let mommy know if you would like to recieve a treat bag by sharing or adding our widget on your page!


  1. The DIVA Shasta here-
    So glad tue hear u r duin'this. Our mom haz bin wantin'tue due sumthin'an she will love your idea - may-b even blog'boutz it. An'our mom an'us Beaglebratz each haf our own Facebook page so we can tell eferybuddy'boutz it. BUTT, we gotta wait til mom gitz home later this afternoon. I KNOW she will want tue help.

  2. Oh we hope that all are OK and we are sure all those across the pond will help. Have a very happy Halloween.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. From the mom - The DIVA Shasta was rite - I do wanna help and have done some so far. Tweeted about it, it is on my Pinterest and just added it to my Facebook wall. I know the Beaglebratz will also be adding it to their wall. Plan on doing a blog post and adding the widget to our blog. Now, as for the treat bag - take the money you would use to do that and add it to the donation - that is what we all want at Team Beaglebratz.

  4. Oh, Mason, you are a true hero doggie for helpin' out!! What a great idea! I'm goin' to go see how much green papers Ma has left in her Mad Money jar....


  5. Hope everyone is safe in my home town and a safe Halloween

  6. That is one of the nice things about social media. In these situations, it is very easy for people to donate. I see a lot of publicity on the RedCross text for donating $10!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. There's something yummy waiting for you on my post!! :-D


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